bruise - an injury where blood vessels in the skin are broken, but the skin is not cut or opened, blister - a bubble-like collection of fluid beneath the skin, rash - skin eruption, most often temporary caused by allergies, irritation or disease, stitches - short pieces of thread for joining someones skin together if it's cut, anaesthetic - a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations, stroke - damage to the brain from interruption of its blood supply., screening - to test or examine for the presence of something (as a disease), outweigh - to be more important or valuable than something else, multiplicity - state of being numerous, hypochondriac - a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses, underestimate - to judge something below its actual value, weather-beaten - rough and damaged because the person spends a lot of time outside, staggering - astonishing, overwhelming, reluctance - unwillingness, undertake - to try or attempt, counsellor - advisor, chiropractic - medical practice based on moving, stretching and massaging the person's joints and muscles., osteopathy - practice of using hands for therapeutic spinal and skull manipulation,

English File Advanced 8A p.74-75 (PLIMAT)


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