trial - a difficult situation, obstacle - something which prevents progress or success, undertaking - a serious responsability or large task which a person agrees to take on, exploit - a brave and daring action, accomplishment - an achievement, something which requires considerable effort and ability, catch on - to become popular or fashionable, outdated - no longer relevant/fashionble/usable, must-have - something that is so exciting, modern or useful that everybody wants to have it, cutting edge - extremely modern and advanced, backlash - a strong , negative reaction by a large group of people, fusion - a blend, a mix, social influence - the pressure or expectations of society which shape people´s behaviour, vintage - describes clothes which are old, but kept in good condition because they are interesting or attractive, in the know - Having knowledge of a new development or situation that most other people don´t have, On trend - in keeping with the latest fashions,

Gateway C1 vocabulary units 1 and 2



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