Accident and emergency - A department in a hospital to treat urgent cases. (British English) (noun), Ache - A pain that is often at a low level but constant, often in a joint. (noun), Allergy - A reaction to something that causes a rash or other symptoms, e.g. peanut allergy. (noun), Antibiotics - A type of medicine that is used to treat infections by bacteria. (noun), Appointment - The specific time and place of a meeting between people, e.g. with a doctor. (noun), Bacteria - Very small organisms that can cause illnesses. (noun), Bed rest - To stay in bed until better. (noun), Better - To have stopped being ill, to have recovered. (adjective), Chemist - A place, or shop, where medicines are kept, prepared and sold. (British English) (noun), Cold - An illness of the nose and throat that is caused by a virus. (noun), Consulting room - The room where a doctor meets with patients in private. (noun), Cough - To empty the lungs of air quickly and often noisily. (verb), Cure - To make a person better when they have an illness. (verb), Cut - Damage to the skin, often not deep or serious. (noun), Dehydrated - To not have enough water in the body. (adjective), Diagnosis - To look at the patient’s symptoms and decide what is wrong with them. (noun), Disease - Something that causes a person’s health to be bad. (noun), Doctor - A person trained to treat ill people. (noun), Emergency room (ER) - A department in a hospital to treat urgent cases. (American English) (noun), Examine - The process of studying a patient to see what is wrong. (verb), Fever - To have a high temperature. (noun), Flu - A viral disease that causes a high temperature. (noun), Food poisoning - An infection in the stomach from eating food that was not properly prepared (often not cooked enough). (noun), General Practitioner (GP) - A doctor that works in a surgery in the local community and not a hospital. Is not a specialist in one area but can treat all illnesses. (noun), Headache - A pain in the head. (noun), Health - The concept of how a person’s body is. (noun), Health center - A building where GPs and nurses work. (noun), Hospital - A place where patients go when they are too ill to stay at home so they can have 24 hour a day care. (noun), House call - When a doctor visits patients in their home rather than them going to see the doctor in the surgery. (noun),

Doctors Vocabulary part II.



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