benefit of - use, help, profit, capacity - ability, power, in spite of - regardless of, habit - custom, way, practice, regardless - nevertheless, because of - on account of, criticize - find fault with, disapprove of, consider - think, see, believe, come to realize - прийти к пониманию, punish - discipline, correct, castigate, chastise, guilty - ashamed, sorry, rueful, equally - evenly, regularly, uniformly, identically, solve - answer, work out, resolve, explain, complex - complicated, difficult, increase - raise, extend, boost, expand, suggest - recommend, propose, advise, compare - contrast, set against, put on weight - become heavier, a number of - several or many, prevent - stop, avoid, frustrate, restrain, stop Ving - прекратить что-л. делать, fill - fill up, make full, become full, fat - overweight, large, heavy, plump, be short of - is less than average or usual, receive - get, accept, be given, chew - munch, bite, grind,

Words and phrases1-синонимы


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