Lyndon B Johnson - President who dramatically increased U.S. involvement in Vietnam., Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - North Vietnamese attacked US ships, opened the door for U.S. to escalate the number of troops fighting in Vietnam. , Guerilla War - Attack and flee style of fighting used by the Viet-Cong., Napalm - Incendiary explosives used against North Vietnamese by the U.S., Agent Orange - Controversial chemical defoliant used by the U.S. to clear jungle plants to clear out hiding places of North Vietnamese soldiers., Ho Chi Minh - Popular communist leader of North Vietnam. , Ngo Dinh Diem - Unpopular leader of South Vietnam, backed by the U.S., Viet-Cong - Communists in South Vietnam who fought to overthrow the Saigon (U.S. backed) government., Tet Offensive - North Vietnam's unsuccessful but influential attack on South Vietnam and U.S. troops. , Domino Theory - Idea that if one Southeast Asian country fell under Communist influence then the others would follow. , Underdeveloped Nation - A country that is less developed economically than most others, with little industry and little money spent on education, infrastructure, or health care., War Powers Act - Law requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days., Credibility Gap - Public mistrust that comes from government officials purposefully lying or giving misleading information about their policies that is later found out to be untrue by the public. , Vietnamization  - The U.S. policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam., Fall of Saigon - The final defeat of the South Vietnam government by the Communist after the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam. , Venona Papers - Anti-Spy program that discovered Ethel and Julius Rosenberg had passed atomic secrets from the Los Alamos Lab to the Russians. , Selective Service Draft  - Mandatory enrollment in a lottery that requires men to join the military if picked., Vietnam Protests  - Anti-War demonstrations by Americans against the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. , Counterculture - Youth movement that rejected the cultural standards of their parents, specifically regarding racial segregation, consumer spending, and support for the Vietnam War., Silent Majority  - Olders Americans, who uphold traditional values, especially against the counterculture of the 1960s.,

Unit #7(B)-- 11th Grade US History: (B) Vietnam War Vocabulary



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