If you had a time machine, what period in history would you go to? Why?, If you could be another man/woman for a day, who would you be?Why?, If you could be famous in history for 1 thing, what would it be? Why?, If you could decide what happens in your life tomorrow, what would you want to happen?, If you found a suitcase full of money, what would you do? Why?, If you had a chance to travel to the moon, would you go? Why?, If you saw a UFO, how would you feel/what would you do? Why?, If you were an animal, what animal would you be?Why?, If you could ask an All-Knowing Being only one question, what would it be? Why?, If you could choose to live as long as you want, what would your your answer be? Why?, If you had to spend 100 days on a desert island, what 5 things would you take with you?Why?, If you were a teacher of English, what would you do to improve your students' level of English?, If you could play a little role in a film, what film would you choose? And what character would you play? Why?.

Second Conditional



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