1) She is a hard-working student______her brother a) unlike b) compared c) opposite d) different 2) Is it good to be completely______from other people? a) unlike b) compared c) opposite d) different 3) He_________ children to young trees, both still growing and able to be shaped. a) is unlike b) compared c) is opposite d) is different 4) What is the quickest way to____knowledge? a) gain b) achieve c) advance d) cause 5) Her depression was_____by changes in her life a) resulted b) caused c) led 6) Her hard work_____in her success a) resulted b) caused c) led 7) It is better not to______heavy objects if you have problems with your back a) advance b) turn c) lift 8) Technology_______every year a) advances b) turns c) lifts 9) The cafe was_____into a restaurant a) advanced b) turned c) lifted 10) What are the most convenient_____of transport? a) origins b) sources c) materials d) means

Confusing words (ЕГЭ)



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