Aaron Levie loves to eat tinned spaghetti, drives a six-year-old car, and has business meetings at a takeaway. He lives in an ordinary apartment, doesn't ____ and, at the age 5 of 27, says his biggest luxury is his smartphone. If you met him, you probably wouldn't realise that he is a multi-____. However, as co-founder and ____ of Box, a successful IT company, he is worth about $100 million. And he works very ____ his money: most days, he does not leave the office until after midnight.'I work so many so hours because I love ____. I'm incredibly excited about the business,' says Levie. When Levie and his childhood friend Dylan Smith ____ their company in 2005, they had not even finished their university ____. Box grew fast because is it offered a better way of storing data, and soon they ____ with many of the biggest companies in the USA. Levie left university without finishing his ____. Like most new businesses. Box did not bring in much ____ at the start. Levie paid himself a ____ of only of $500 a month, and lived off finned spaghetti and instant noodles. When Box began, Levie and Smith looked for ____. Back in 2005, cloud storage was quite a new idea. For that reason nobody wanted to risk ____ them money.They wrote letter after letter but could 25 not find any ____. Eventually, a well-known ____ called Mark Cuban agreed to put money into Box. Once he had decided to do that, others followed and the business ____. That was eight years ago. Now, Box has grown a lot of and so have its ____, making Levie a multi-____. Most people his age would ____ lifestyle if they had so much money. But Levie says that it doesn't interest him. 'I'm certainly not ____. I don't live in the office - now I have an apartment six minutes' drive away - but there is no ____ house up in the hills. 'He only goes to expensive restaurants if an ____ wants to eat there. Otherwise, he 35 has lunch meetings in burger bars.'And I still really like tinned spaghetti. I'd be happy if I had it every day!'

7F Aaron Levie



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