1) He's ..................finished his work  a) already b) just c) yet 2) I haven't had my breakfast ............. a) just b) already c) yet 3) Tom has............. phoned me three times today  a) already b) yet c) just 4) My father has ..............come home  a) already b) just c) yet 5) She has lived here ............... twenty years  a) for b) since c) yet 6) We have taught at this school ...........1965  a) since b) for c) just 7) I have loved tennis ............. i was a child  a) for b) already c) since 8) I have worked here ......... 10 years  a) since b) for c) never 9) I haven't seen him.............his wedding  a) for b) since c) just 10) I'm sorry , but i ............finished my home work yet  a) haven't b) hasn't c) have d) has 11) Thomas and Robert .............to Hong Kong many times a) has been b) been c) have been 12) have you ever seen a ghost ? a) Yes , i have  b) No , i hasn't  c) Yes , i has  13) Has your teacher graded the test ? a) No , he haven't  b) No , he hasn't  c) Yes, he have 

present perfect



दृश्य शैली


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