1) I'm .......................... of stupid people. a) scary b) scared 2) This pen is ...... . a) my b) me c) mine 3) This dog belongs to ....... a) I b) me c) my d) mine 4) My mother ........................ [work] in the local hospital. a) work b) works c) working d) is working 5) She can .............. [go] with her friends to the party; her mother has agreed. a) go b) to go c) goes d) going 6) ......... next week I am flying to Dubai. a) in b) on c) at d) - 7) I don't have .............................. against travelling around the world. a) anything b) not thing c) nothing d) any thing 8) We have to discuss .......................... issues before the meeting. a) this b) that c) these 9) There ................ many people at the concert yesterday. a) isn't b) aren't c) wasn't d) weren't 10) I want you to meet my friend .............. is a famous scientist. a) who b) which c) what d) whose e) that 11) I don't have ............. things to do, so I can help you. a) much b) many 12) I have got ....................... information for you about your stay in this hotel. a) a little b) a few c) some 13) She .................... hungry. She has just eaten a big hamburger with French fries. a) doesn't b) isn't c) hasn't 14) I ............................. a younger brother. a) haven't b) haven't got c) don't have got d) don't have 15) I ......................... [never/see] a firework display in my life. a) never seen b) have never saw c) have never seen d) have never see 16) If you ....................... [help] me with the laundry, I will cook dinner. a) help b) helps c) will help 17) Enjoy ............................... at this party! a) yourself b) yourselfs c) yourselves d) each other 18) I'm ................................... in the ancient history. a) interest b) interesting c) interested 19) She ........................ 55 years old. a) be b) have c) has got d) is 20) Let's call ......... Jack, and meet .......... him after work. a) -, - b) to, with c) -, with d) to, - 21) Let's come back ........... home. It's getting late! a) to b) - c) in 22) Let's ......... the shopping. a) go b) do c) going d) doing 23) He said ............... that he wanted to change his job. a) - b) me c) to me 24) She told ............... that she would like to quit her job. a) - b) her boss c) to her boss 25) He ..................... going to change his job soon. a) will b) - c) is 26) Everybody ................................ [go] to this party on Friday. a) is go b) are go c) is going d) are going 27) I set up my business ........... the age of 30. a) in b) on c) at 28) I'm good ........... talking with people. a) in b) on c) at 29) .......................... living in Warsaw, many people do not like the traffic jam. a) When it goes about b) When it comes to 30) I'd rather ................ [work] less, but I'd like ................... [earn] more. a) work, earn b) to work, to earn c) to work, earn d) work, to earn

unPolish your English with Kasia


दृश्य शैली


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