Do you think that using a lot of electronic gadgets at home and school makes us lazy? Why/not?, Do you think that online transactions and credit cards will ever completely replace the need for cash? Why?, What invention would you like to see in the future?, Are you scared of how much information Internet companies such as Google have about you?, What technology couldn't you live without?, How has technology changed education methods?, Could a robot do your job?, What do older people think of modern technology?, Has a computer virus ever caused problems for you? What steps do you take to protect your data and privacy?, Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress? Why?, What is your opinion about children playing violent video games?.



रैंडम कार्ड एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।

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