1) I don't think Chelsea ... win the Champions League next year.  a) will b) are going to 2) Look at those clouds! It ... snow. a) will b) is going to 3) Kat hasn't done any revision. She ... pass her exam. a) won't b) isn't going to 4) That car is going too fast! It ... crash. a) will b) is going to 5) I ... email you tonight - I promise! a) am going to b) will 6) Jack's holding a tennis racket. He ... play tennis! a) will b) is going to 7) Be careful! You ... to drop your computer! a) will b) are going to 8) I think cars ... fly in the future. a) will b) are going to 9) I promise I ... study harder next time. a) will b) am going to 10) "Oh no! I forgot my wallet" / "Don't worry. I ... lend you money." a) will b) am going to 11) Tomorrow, I ... see a dentist. a) will b) am going to 12) Next year, we ... to travel around Europe. a) will b) are going to 13) In 2055, robots ... be part of the families. a) will b) are going to 14) That dog is always angry. It ... bite you. a) will b) is going to




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