'Please, open the window,' the teacher said to John., 'Don't call me!', Emily told John., 'Don't be late tomorrow,' the boss told to the worker., 'Stop watching Netflix and do the housework,' mum said to John., 'Please, come in,' the manager said., 'Don't say it to anyone, ' Ann told me., 'Don't ask me about my ex-boyfriend,' Ann told him., 'Switch off your mobile phones,' the teacher told us., 'Don't use your mobile phones in the museum,' the guide told us., 'Call me later!,' John said., 'Please stop talking,' the teacher asked us., 'Don't take any photos here, ' the painter told us., 'Please wait for me here,' Ann asked me., 'Listen to me,' John told to Ann., 'Look at him,' Ann told to John..

Reported speech imperatives


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