1) Sometimes I ... tennis. a) play b) do c) go 2) I always ... running in the morning. a) play b) go c) do 3) He usually ... swimming in the swimming pool. a) goes b) plays c) does 4) They ... judo every weekends. a) play b) do c) go 5) We like ... bodybuilding. a) going b) playing c) doing 6) She doesn't ... aerobics. a) do b) play c) go 7) I don't ... skiing in winter. a) go b) do c) play 8) My father ... chess in his free time. a) does b) goes c) plays 9) His sister ... yoga three times a week. a) plays b) does c) goes 10) My husband and I like ... windsurfing in summer. a) going b) doing c) playing

Go play and do with Present Simple



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