A: What time do you usually go to ____? B: At about 10.30, and I get up at 7.00. A: What did you ____ last weekend? B: I went to the cinema with some friends. A: ____ any sport or exercise? B: Yes, I love football and tennis. A: What kind of music do you listen ____? B: I love pop and rock. A: What do you usually ____ for breakfast? B: Just a sandwich and some crisps normally. A: Do you have any ____? B: Yes, we have two cats. A: Where ____? B: In a small flat near the railway station. A: Where ____ English before? B: At school. A: What ____? B: He's a teacher. A: Where ____? B: In Budapest, in 1998. My mum is Hungarian.

Complete the conversations with the missing word/phrase



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