geocentric model - a model showing the Earth at the center of the Universe, heliocentric model - a model showing the sun at the center of the Universe, Big Bang Theory - a theory that explains how the universe began, solar system - the sun together with the group of planets held together by gravity, Milky Way Galaxy - The galaxy in which the sun and Earth are located, universe - All of space and the matter that is in it, astronomer - a scientist who studies space, orbit - the path one object takes as it revolves around another , galaxy - a large grouping of stars, planets gas and dust held together by gravity, astronomy - the study of space and the universe, Ptolemy - the astronomer who proposed the Geocentric model, Copernicus - the astronomer who proposed the Heliocentric model, Kepler - scientist who discovered that orbits were elliptical, Hubble - astronomer that first used a telescope to help prove the Big Bang, Galileo - used a telescope and found Jupiter's moons, phases of Venus; Father of Modern Science, Brahe - scientist who determined the correct order of the planets without a telescope, Aristotle and Ptolemy - Team Geo, Copernicus, Galileo, Brahe, Kepler - Team Helio,

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