1) Which are all correct types of Tigers? a) Salamanrec, Bengal, Grouple b) Bengal, Sunda, Ractioc c) Siberian, Bengal, Sunda d) Sunda, Ractioc, Salamanrec e) Bengal, Grouple, Freesed f) Freesed, Ractioc, Grouple 2) Chose the whole thousand closest to how many Tigers are left in the wild: a) 1,000 b) 2,000 c) 3,000 d) 4,000 e) 5,000 f) 6,000 3) What colour are Tigers? a) Blue and white spots, orange and black spots b) Grey-black and white stripes, orange and black stripes c) Yellow with red triangles d) Purple arrow shapes with the occasional orange spot e) Purple and orange dashes, green and blue dashes f) Fully Green 4) What is the real name for a white Tiger? a) Greepio Tiger b) Oneintolarto Tiger c) Selven Tiger d) Highlander Tiger e) Albino Tiger f) Bigmuscleygiant Tiger 5) What is the scientific name for a Tiger? a) Tigeraina Herrf b) Panthera Tigris c) Niftiall Tigerwall d) Grandel Tigrida e) Ellisalbino Doltiger f) Bengali Tigrains 6) What is the rarest Tiger? a) Bengal Tiger b) Sunda Tiger c) Continental Tiger d) South China Tiger e) Caspian Tiger f) Malayan Tiger 7) What household pet is the Tiger most closely related to? a) Dog b) Cat c) Rabbit d) Guinea Pig e) Snake f) Bird 8) What is a Tiger's usual lifespan in the wild? a) 1-3 years b) 2-5 years c) 3-7 years d) 5-9 years e) 6-7 years f) 8-10 years 9) Where do all Tigers live? a) In the mountains b) Near water c) On the moor d) In the desert e) In the Arctic f) On the International Space Station 10) Which of these answers is NOT a correct type of Tiger? a) Bengal Tiger b) Javan Tiger c) Bali Tiger d) Indochinese Tiger e) Malayan Tiger f) Serain Tiger 11) True or False: The Tiger is the biggest Big Cat a) True b) False

Tiger Knowledge Quiz



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