Offering, making invitations and suggestions: What about going out?, Why don't we watch a movie?, Would you like some cheese?, Why don't we read books?, Let's drink some coffee., Do you fancy joining Sally's slumber party?, Shall we go for a walk?, How about eating out tonight?, What about watching a movie together?, Fancy going for a walk?, Accepting an invitation: That's a great idea!, That would be great., I can't miss this opportunity., Sounds great to join., Definitely!, That sounds good., Thanks! I'd like to., Why not?, Of course I will!, Sure! I'd love to., Refusing an invitation: No, thanks., I'd love to, but I can't., I'm sorry, but I can't., I'd rather not., That'd be great, but I can't join., Maybe another time., I'm afraid I can't., I have to refuse your invitation., Thanks for asking, but I can't., Not really, thanks., Making an excuse: We are going to visit my sister., I am visiting my relatives in the afternoon., My cousins are coming that day., I have to study for my exam., I am too busy tomorrow., I'm full., I have to stay at home., I must help my dad., I don't feel well., I have another plan on that day.,

Unit 1: Friendship (invitations / making suggestions / offers)



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