1) Last year Ann ... in the ocean. a) swam b) has swum 2) We ... never ... this monument. a) saw b) have seen 3) Bob ... his left hand a week ago. a) burnt b) has burnt 4) The boy ... his gloves at home yesterday. a) forgot b) has forgotten 5) Little Lizzy ... to buy bread. They have no bread for supper now. a) forgot b) has forgotten 6) His granny ... already ... presents for Christmas. a) have bought b) has bought 7) My aunt ... presents for my cousin Bill last Frriday. a) bought b) has bought 8) We ... all money yesterday. a) spent b) have spent 9) Last summer Mary ... a lot in the river. a) swam b) has swum 10) I ... just ... apple juice a) have drunk b) has drunk

Past Simple or Present Perfect



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