1) My grandpa was _____________ in 1930. a) died b) divorced c) grew up d) born 2) We ______________ in a beautiful countryside in France. a) retire b) get c) live d) leave 3) Our grandmother _______________ two years ago. We miss her. a) died b) retired c) was born d) moved to a new town 4) Jim's parents got ________________ and they don't live together anymore. a) married b) up c) divorced d) children 5) My brother ___________ his driving test and he is going to buy a car. a) failed b) grew c) had d) passed 6) My grandpa _____________ last year. He doesn't go to work anymore. a) started b) retired c) passed d) grew up 7) This is my last year at the university. I will ____________ in June. a) retire b) leave c) get divorced d) graduate 8) We are going to ______________ to a new house next month. I will have a big bedroom! a) move b) leave c) get d) live 9) Ryan _________ a job as an engineer. He makes really good money. a) passed b) got c) left d) get 10) The Simpsons ___________ 3 children. a) get b) live c) have d) born

LINK VII - unit 2, life stages


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