1) There ... a sofa in the living room. a) is b) are c) isn't d) aren't 2) There ... any stairs in the room. a) is b) are c) isn't d) aren't 3) There ... some cushions on the sofa. a) isn't b) are c) is d) aren't 4) ... ... three armchairs in the room? a) Is there b) Are there c) There is d) There are 5) ... ... a desk next to an armchair? a) Are there b) There are c) Is there d) There is 6) ... ... any pillows on the sofa? a) Are there b) There is c) There are d) Is there 7) - There are ... paintings in the living room. - Yes, but there aren't ... in the bedroom. a) some, any b) any, some c) some, some d) any, any 8) - There are ... cupboards in the kitchen. - Yes, and there are ... chairs there too. a) some, any b) some, some c) any, some d) any, any 9) - There aren't ... cushions on the sofa. - No, but there are ... on the armchairs. a) some, some b) any, some c) any, any d) some, any

There is / There are



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