sterotype - A belief that a particular type of people are all the same in a negative way; stereotypes are usually rooted in prejudice, marginalize - To treat a person or group as insignificant or invisible, emanata - Symbols like tear drops, sweat drops, question marks,and hearts that help show character emotion, gutter - The blank space between panels in a graphic novel, discrimination - The unfair treatment of different people based upon their race or other birth characteristic (discrimination is illegal), bias - Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, microaggression - Indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group, prejudice - An idea that is not based on reason or actual experience, often based on racist beliefs; judging a person before you know them, panel - One single frame or box that usually contains a single scene or image, narrator box - A text box in which information about the story is shared with the reader, onomatopoeia - Words that sound like what they mean, diversity - A variety of people (different racial, ethnic, religious backgrounds, different genders, different appearances, etc.), equity - Treating others without bias; giving people what they need to be successful, even if those things are not the same, racism - The belief, and actions based on that belief, that different kinds of people are inferior to others by birth,



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