1) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) They has been to France twice. b) They has be to France twice. c) They have been to France twice. 2) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) She has never sent a postcard. b) She has never send a postcard. c) She have never sent a postcard. 3) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) I have written not the letter yet. b) I have not written the letter yet. c) I hasn't written the letter yet. 4) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Has he finished his project? b) He has finished his project? c) Have he finished his project? 5) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) I have never drink green tea. b) I had never drink green tea c) I have never drunk green tea. 6) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Had she done her homework? b) She has done her homework? c) Has she done her homework? 7) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Nick has ate the last cupcake. b) Nick has eaten the last cupcake. c) Nick have eat the last cupcake. 8) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) I have gave him my money and he lost it. b) I have given him my money and he lost it. c) I had gave him my money and he lost it. 9) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Sophia hasn't left her phone at home. b) Sophia hadn't left her phone at home. c) Sophia hasn't leave her phone at home. 10) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Has your sister won this competition? b) Has your sister win this competition? c) Your sister has won this competition? 11) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) I never been inside a plane. b) I have never be  inside a plane. c) I've never been inside a plane. 12) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) They haven't seted a table. b) They haven't set a table. c) They hasn't set a table. 13) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Michael hasn't did this. b) Michael hasn't done this. c) Michael has do this! 14) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Jane have never baked a cake. b) Jane has never baked a cake. c) Jane has never baken a cake. 15) Które ze zdań jest poprawne? a) Have you ever maked pancakes? b) You have ever made pancakes? c) Have you ever made pancakes?

EC A2 unit 6 Present Perfect (+/-/?)


दृश्य शैली


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