My grandfather / a horse, This fish/blue, black and yellow, I / a dog, My sister /not / any pets, Slovenia/beautiful, Slovenia/beautiful lakes and hills, My grandma/not/ a sewing machine, My parents / four children, This car/red, Tony/a red car, Her eyes /green, She/green eyes, Peter/two brothers, Peter/not/a sister, Molly/long hair, Her hair /not blond, I / not / a big house, my house / not big, my name/ Elizabeth, He/new trainers, My trainers / green, My brother / a green T-shirt, His T-shirt / yellow, He / a footballer, This woman/ short hair, Her hair / not short, Mrs Billings / a Geography teacher, He / a globe, My grandparents / a farm, Our farm / big, Sally / not / a hamster, The parrot / blue, red, blue, yellow, It / sharp teeth, It / dangerous, Our car / not / new, This boy / hungry, He / one good friend, She / twenty years old, It / not/a friendly monster, He / from Mars, This monster / not / arms, She / long legs, He / not / happy, My friend / a lot of money, This bike / not / new, She / a beautiful smile, It / not / green, I / your friend, This / my home, My laptop / not / old, Kate / a cat?, you / a Ferrari?, Ben / glasses?, Your glasses / red?, this / your schoolbag?, he / a big nose?, he / strong?, he / strong arms?, Mr Brown / a doctor?, the bird/small?.

have got / be



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