1) Which sentence is false? a) Alice is sister Julia's. b) Julia is Alice's sister. c) Alice is Julia's sister. 2) Her parents have a pet. Which sentence is false? a) This is her parents' pet. b) This is her dad & mom's pet. c) This is her parent's pet. 3) ............. that man next to Susi? a) Whose b) Who's c) How's 4) Mr. Pitt is the owner of the company. Which sentence is false? a) He has a company. b) This is the company of Mr. Pitt. c) This is Mr.Pitt's company. 5) Which sentence is true a) Womens books b) Books of children c) Children's books 6) Whose clothes are those? a) They're students. b) They're students' clothes. c) They're clothes of students. 7) Which sentence is false? a) There's a lot of traffic in the city centre. b) There's a lot of traffic in the center city. c) There's a lot of traffic in the center of the city. 8) Which sentence is true? a) Please close the door of the class. b) Please close the class of door. c) Please close the class's door. 9) Which sentence is false? a) Whose is this broken laptop? b) Whose laptop is broken? c) Who's laptop is broken? 10) Which sentence is false? a) This living room has big windows, so it's bright. b) The windows of this living room are big, so it's bright. c) The living room's windows are big, so it's bright.

AmE File 1 Lesson 4A Grammar



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