What is your favorite movie?, What is your favorite cartoon?, What is your favorite sport to play?, What subject is your favorite?, What subject is your least favorite?, What is a talent you have?, Do you have any pets?, What is your favorite food?, What toppings do you like on pizza?, What’s your favorite color?, What’s your favourite season and why?, What’s your favorite drink? Do you like to make it or to buy it?, Free day off of school, what do you do all day?, If you had a superhero ability, what would it be?, Would you rather take a train, plane, or boat somewhere?, What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?, If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?, If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?, If you could invite two famous people to dinner, who would you invite and why?, If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?, If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?, Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?.

break the ice questions



रैंडम कार्ड एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।

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