1) A cat is _______ a mouse. a) biggest than b) bigger than c) the biggest than d) big than 2) This is the _______ tree in my garden. a) beautifulest b) more beautiful c) most beautiful d) beautiful 3) Is this __________ book in the library? a) the most interesting b) more interesting c) the interestingest d) more interesting than 4) Are chocolates ______ than biscuits? a) gooder b) better c) the best d) the goodest 5) Are ants ________ elephants? a) small than b) the smallest c) smaller than d) more small than 6) This is __________ ( najstarszy ) house in our town. a) the most old b) the biggest c) the younger d) the oldest 7) This is ___________ day this week. a) the hottest b) the hotter c) the most hot d) the more hotter 8) We are ________ ( najlepszymi ) friends. a) best b) good c) gooder d) the most good 9) The blue jacket is __________ ( najnowszy ). a) the newer b) the most new c) the newest d) new 10) This is _______ ( najgorsze ). a) the worse b) the worst c) the baddest d) worsest 11) She is ________ ( chudsza niż ) her husband. a) fatter than b) smaller than c) longer than d) thinner than 12) A car is ___________ a bike. a) more expensive than b) expensiver c) the expensivest d) the most expensive 13) My sister is _________ in the family. a) taller b) the tallest c) taller than d) the tallester 14) This is _______ woman in the world. a) the shorter b) the most short c) the shortest d) shorter than 15) Is she __________ than her friend? a) the most ugly b) uglier c) more ugly d) uglyer

comparatives and superlatives


दृश्य शैली


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