1) What three essential elements are not categorised as micronutrients or macronutrients? a) carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen b) carbon hydrogen and oxygen c) carbon, nitrogen and potassium 2) Micronutrients are needed in small amounts. True or False? a) True b) False 3) What is the most important macronutrient? a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorus c) Potassium d) Calcium 4) Which of the following is not an essential function of Nitrogen? a) Component of chlorophyll b) Component of amino acids c) Seed formation and development d) Component of ATP 5) How would a farmer identify Nitrogen deficiency in his crop? a) Dark green vegetation b) Improved flower formation c) Pale green or yellow leaves d) Discoloured purple leaves 6) Phosphorus dissolves in water within what pH range a) 6-8 b) 5-7.5 c) 4-6.5 7) How would a farmer identify a phosphorus deficiency in his crop? a) Dark green vegetation b) Necrosis c) Discoloured purple leaves 8) What is meant by chlorosis? a) Death in older leaves b) Yellowing of leaves c) Crop lies flat 9) What is the function of magnesium in plants? a) Cell wall formation b) Part of chlorophyll molecule c) Contained amino acids for protein 10) Anemia in pigs is caused by a deficiency in what micronutrient? a) Copper b) Zinc c) Iron d) Manganese 11) Swayback in sheep is caused by a deficiency in what micronutrient? a) Copper b) Zinc c) Boron d) Manganese

Soil nutrient functions


दृश्य शैली


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