Middle Ages - Period of European History from about AD500 around 1500., Lords and ladies - These people agreed to supply the king with soldiers and horses for his army., Peasants - Worked the land for the nobles and knights who in turn offered them protection., Feudalism - Name of system of land ownership where rulers divided land amount their followers in return for loyalty and taxes. , Mill - Place where wheat was ground to make bread., Bailiff - Responsible for collecting taxes and keeping law and order in manor. , Open field system - System that divided land into three fields., Crop rotation - Plants changed every year allow nutrients recover. , Fallow - Land that was left empty to rest. , Tithe - One tenth of income paid to local priest. , Pottage - Oat soup peasants ate. , Motte and bailey - First type of castles, made from wood. , Keep - Main building inside stone castle. , Turrets - Tower built into walls at corners., Moat - Deep ditch that surrounded castle., Siege - Surrounding of castle for long time, main aim was to get those inside to surrender., Dowry - Money or land paid to future husbands family by brides family. , Solar - Warm sunny room on top floor of keep. , Jesters - Comic performers, Archer - Soldier that fought with bow and arrow. , Page - First stage of becoming a knight. , Dubbing - Knighting ceremony., Chivalry - Oath to be loyal and brave, and to protect weak., Charter - Contract where the town was granted freedom to run is own affairs but had to pay taxes. , Bubonic plague - Disease that killed atl east one third of Europs population. , Fair green - Area used for annual fair outside medieval town walls., Guilds - Organisations of people who worked in same trade. , Journeymen - Young man that travelled around to learn his trade. , Cupping - Placing heated metal cups on skin to draw fluids to surface. , Latin - Language mass was said in. ,

Medieval History Test


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