What’s your first name?, What’s your surname?, What’s your nickname?, What’s your father’s name?, What’s your mother’s name?, Where are you from?, Where do you live?, What’s your favourite food?, What’s your favourite drink?, What are your hobbies?, What’s your favourite sport?, Do you have a pet?, What’s your favourite kind of movie?, How many people are there in your family?, How many cousins have you got?, What do you usually do at the weekend?, What’s your favourite day of the week?, What’s your favourite kind of music?, Where do you meet your friends?, How often do you go to the cinema?, How often do you brush your teeth?, When is your birthday?, When is your mother’s birthday?, When is your father’s birthday?, What’s the capital of your country?, What do you do in your free time?, What do you do on Saturday evenings?, What time do you usually go to bed?, What time do you usually get up?.

Speaking A1


रैंडम कार्ड एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।

दृश्य शैली


टेम्पलेट स्विच करें

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