crashed - What would you do if your computer ... (stopped working) while some important work was in progress?, applications - How many phone ... (programs) do you use regularly?, appliance - Which kitchen ... (gadget that works from electrivity) would it be hard to live without?, laboratory - Could you imagine yourself working in a ... (a place where scientists carry out experiments)?, stick - Do you usually carry a memory ... (thing you can connect to a computer and download files) with you?, breakthrough - Which ... (revolutionary, taking to the next level) discovery of the last decades has affected our lives the most?, substances - Should children be allowed to experiment with .... (they can be in liquid or solid form) in chemistry lessons?, addicted - Why do some people get ... (can't stop using) more easily to gaming than others?, inventors - Do you think that .... (people who come up with new ideas) influence our life more than businessmen?, browsed - What were you looking for the last time you ... (used to find information) the Internet?,


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