Adolf Hitler - Leader of Germany who promised to unite all German-speaking people into a new German empire, Winston Churchill - A noted British Prime Minister who led Briatin throughout most of WW2 and along with FDR planned many allied campaigns., Joseph Stalin - Communist Dictator of the Soviet Union, Benito Mussolini - Italian dictator who rose to power as leader of the Fascist Party, General Tojo Hideki - Japanese Prime Minister during the 1930s and WW2 who wanted to expand the Japan's control, Franklin Delano Roosevlet (FDR) - Leader of the USA from 1933-1945, Treaty of Versailles - Failed peace agreement that ended WW1 that punished Germany and caused resentment leading to WW2, Totalitarianism - Government that has complete control over the daily lives of its citizens and allows no opposition,

World War 2 Leaders (2B)



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