1) Gloria has won every game she's played today. She ______ (practise) a lot. a) must have practised b) can have practised c) should have practised d) couldn't have practised 2) I don't have anything to wear today. I _______ (do) the laundry before. a) might have done b) mustn't have done c) should have done d) can have done 3) Jack lost his wallet on the way to work. He ______ (lose) it on the bus. a) mustn't have lost b) need have lost c) must have lost d) ought to have lost 4) You did very well on the exam. You ______ (study) a lot. a) must have studied b) should have studied c) can have studied d) mustn't have studied 5) The Smiths _______ (build) their house anywhere. Why did they choose here? a) might have built b) could have built c) need to have built d) can't have built 6) It's hot in here today. I ________ (not/wear) a heavy sweater today. a) mustn't have worn b) mightn't have worn c) shouldn't have worn d) should have worn 7) You _______ (feed) your dog. He has been hungry all day. a) should have fed b) couldn't have fed c) must have fed d) shouldn't have fed 8) Lucy shouldn't have stood on the broken chair. She ______ (fall). a) must have fallen b) could have fallen c) should have fallen d) could have fallen 9) I _______ (buy) more milk before. I am almost out. a) might have bought b) can have bought c) couldn't have bought d) should have bought 10) I didn't do very well in the test. I ______ (spend) more time studying. a) can have spent b) should have spent c) would have spent d) couldn't have spent


दृश्य शैली


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