1) Truth or Dare a) If you can choose one super power what would it be? Why? b) Show us the most embarrassing picture on your phone. 2) Truth or Dare  a) What is the worst gift you ever had? b) Pick a movie that represents your life. 3) Truth or Dare  a) Tell us something that you thought you would never do, but you did it. b) Drink a bottle of water in 20 sec. 4) Truth or Dare  a) What word(s) you always say when you are nervous? b) Sing us a song  5) Truth or Dare  a) What three goals do you want to achieve? b) Eat a spoon of hot sauce. 6) Truth or Dare a) What your first impression of everybody? b) Empty your wallet and show us what you have inside. 7) Truth or Dare  a) Tell us the last time you lied? Why? b) Tell us a joke. 8) Truth or Dare  a) Tell us the most embarrassing situation you have ever been in? b) Keep your eyes open for 30 sec. 9) Truth or Dare  a) Tell us one of your darkest secrets. b) Say five words in 3 different languages ( except English) 10) Truth or Dare  a) Tell us something you regret. b) Act like a customer service employee. 11) Truth or Dare  a) What are you afraid of losing the most ? b) Give us a piece of advice. 12) Truth or Dare  a) How satisficed are you with your life? b) Show us a picture of you that you hate. 13) Truth or Dare  a) What is your biggest loss in life? b) Say a word to someone who has changed your life. 14) Truth or Dare a) How many times have you failed in exams? b) Drink a spoon of vinegar. 15) Truth or Dare a) Tell us the last reason you cried for. b) Keep smiling for 1 minute. 16) Truth or Dare  a) Tell us a game that your really like to play. b) Show us your picture in the national ID. 17) Truth or Dare a) Rate your cooking skills. b) Tell us a real horror story. 18) Truth or Dare  a) What is the largest amount you spent on buying a mobile? b) Show us your favorite perfume.

Truth or Dare


दृश्य शैली


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