1) Sarah organizes a birthday party for Jack. She needs ............................ balloons and candles. a) lots of b) a little c) much 2) I need ............................ apples and strawberries to prepare a cake. a) much b) some c) a little 3) We have ............................ snacks at home, but we need some beverages. a) any b) a little c) some 4) There isn't ............................ sugar on the plate. a) some b) any c) a little 5) Is there ............................ coffee in the cup? a) any b) a lot of c) a few 6) There are ............................ students in the classroom. a) a lot of b) any c) a little 7) There weren't many pencils on the table, there were only ............................ pencils. a) a lot of b) a few c) a little 8) There is ............................ water in the glass. a) a little b) a few c) a lot of 9) There is only ............................ time left. We need to hurry. a) a little b) a few c) a lot of 10) There are only ............................ hours left. We need to hurry. a) a little b) a few c) a lot of 11) How ............................ friends do you have?  a) many b) much 12) How ............................ money do you have? a) many b) much 13) How ............................ water should I drink? a) much b) many 14) How ............................ sisters do you have? a) many b) much 15) Aless: I'm sorry. I have an important exam tomorrow. Have fun! a) Aless makes an excuse. b) Aless accepts the invitation. c) Aless refuses the invitation without making an excuse. 16) Finn: Really? When is the party? I will be there. a) Finn makes an excuse. b) Finn accepts the invitation. c) Finn refuses the invitation without making an excuse. 17) Eric: I'm sorry, I can't join you. a) Finn makes an excuse. b) Finn accepts the invitation. c) Finn refuses the invitation without making an excuse. 18) Annie: We are arranging a slumber party. Would you like to join us? a) Annie makes an invitation. b) Annie accepts an invitation. c) Annie refuses an invitation. 19) They will ............................ the place with balloons, candles, and flowers. a) decorate b) invite c) call 20) Abuziddin will organize a class ............................ on Wednesday. Would you like to join us? a) slumber party b) farewell party c) reunion party

Quantifiers, Part Invitations - Revision


दृश्य शैली


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