1) I ... office supplies this afternoon. Do you need anything? a) am going to order b) will order 2) Just a minute. I ... your call. a) will transfer b) am going to transfer 3) I promise I ... it. a) am not going to forget b) will not forget 4) The meeting ... in a quarter of an hour. a) will begin b) is going to begin 5) You ... to visit our clients today, but tomorrow. a) are not going to visit b) will not visit 6) ... Mr Thompson and Nina ... a presentation at the congress? a) Will ... give b) Are ... going to give 7) ... the package ... ready to send by 3 o'clock? a) Will ... be b) Is ... going to be 8) Kevin is very competent. He ... a very good job. a) is going to do b) will do 9) I hope ... succeed. a) you will b) you are going to 10) Do you think they ... the contract? a) are going to sign b) will sign 11) ... you ... to make the photocopies? a) Will ... remember b) Are ... going to remember

Will or be going to?


दृश्य शैली


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