Correct: Gravity- a force of attraction between all objects in the universe, Universe- everything that exists including all objects in space, Galaxy- a collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity, Astronomer- a scientist who studies space and the objects in it, Solar System- the Sun and all the bodies that revolve around it, Velocity- speed and direction of a moving object, escape velocity- the speed an object must travel to escape the gravitational pull of a planet, orbit- the path an object takes around a larger object, ellipse- a shape that is a squashed or flattened circle, revolve- to move in a curved path determined by the gravity of another object, Incorrect: Gravity- a force that repels (pushes away) all objects in the universe, Universe- one page in the book that is known as the multiverse, Galaxy- a collection of planets held together by gravity, Astronomer- a person who uses the stars to tell fortunes, Solar System- the Earth and all the bodies that revolve around it, Velocity- the time it takes a moving object to stop, escape velocity- how fast a pig must run to escape the farmer, Orbit- My favorite type of chewing gum, ellipse- when the Moon's shadow blocks out the Sun, revolve- to spin around on your axis,

Astronomy- Vocabulary



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