1) It's in the bathroom. You stand below it to wash your body. a) b) c) 2) It helps you to find where the countries in the world are. a) b) c) 3) I want to become a/an ...... because I would like to design buildings. a) b) c) 4) Which sentence is the best description of the picture? a) There are three windows in the room b) The bed is below a picture c) There are two blankets on the bed 5) Which sentence is the best description of the picture? a) The towel is in the bathtub b) The bathtub is next to the window c) There is a mirror on the wall 6) We use it to brush our teeth. a) b) c) 7) WHERE CAN YOU FIND IT IN THE PICTURE? We use it to watch films, to read stories, to listen to music, or to study. a) It's on the bed b) It's on the table behind the bed c) It's next to the door 8) WHERE CAN YOU FIND IT IN THE PICTURE? It helps you keep warm when you're sleeping. a) It's purple and it's on the bed. b) It's green and it's on the table. c) It's under the blanket. 9) WHERE CAN YOU FIND IT IN THE PICTURE? We use it to hit the baseball. a) It's next to the bat. b) It's between the ball and the comic c) It's red and it's on the wall. 10) WHERE CAN YOU FIND IT IN THE PICTURE? You turn it on to see things in the dark. a) It's on the floor, next to the door b) It's next to the bed, under the cage. c) It's on the table, next to the helmet.




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