1) It is a sound that is pleasing to the ears. a) Noise b) Music c) Vibration d) Sonic e) Super Sonic f) Opera 2) Which one is NOT an example of performing arts? a) Singing b) Ballet c) Dancing d) Painting e) Acting f) Poetry 3) It is a type of music which promotes the use of voice instead of pure musical instruments. a) Sacred music b) Instrumental music c) Vocal music d) Secular music e) Monophonic music f) Polyphonic music 4) True or False: Sound is created by a vibrating object. a) Partially True b) False c) Neither True nor False d) True e) Partially False f) Either True or False 5) What musical period is considered as the "bridge to modern music"? a) Ancient Period b) Medieval Period c) Renaissance Period d) Baroque Period e) Classical Period f) Romantic Period

Amazing Race - STATION 1 - MAPEH 9 Edition



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