1) What are some of your fondest memories of childhood? 2) How should parents discipline their children? 3) Tell us about the reasons that you use a computer. 4) Do you think our life has improved by computer technology? 5) Are there any activities that you used to do but don't do anymore? 6) Why do people need hobbies? 7) What do you find either enjoyable or difficult about shopping? 8) What are the things that you should and that you shouldn't buy online? 9) What do you think about making friends over the internet? 10) What makes friends different from family? 11) What do you think is difficult or challenging about visiting another country? 12) What are the advantages and disadvatanges of package tours? 13) What was your dream job when you were a child? 14) What should you consider when choosing a career? 15) In what ways, if any, have you used the Internet to learn English? 16) What do you think has been the most useful technological invention? 17) What is your favourite season? Why? 18) Do you think weather affects the way people feel? 19) How could you improve your cooking skills? 20) Do you believe that 'we are what we eat'? 21) Have you got a pet? Why / Why not? 22) What are the responsibilities that go with having a pet? 23) Tell us about a subject you like(d) at school and why you enjoy(ed) it. 24) Are school trips important? Why / why not? 25) What sports do you like to watch and hate to watch? 26) What is the appeal of extreme sports? 27) How do you usually cope with stress? 28) Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? 29) What's your hometown like? 30) In what ways are people from cities different to people from small towns?

Euroexam B2 - Random interview questions



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