widow - Her husband died last year, so now she is a wealthy ...................., female - Is this a ......................perfume?, maiden - I wanted to ask him what his mother's ................... name was., job - He wasn't very good at his ..............., middle-aged - My mother is a ..................... woman, handsome - My husband is very ....................., short - He is .............., but he can play basketball very well., well-built - He isn't really fat - he's just ....................., freckles - She had dark brown hair, brown eyes and ....................., fringe - I like my straight, fair, long hair with the ............., scruffy - He also was .....................and dirty, track suits - In case of cold weather, the players are permitted to use ........................., suit - He was wearing a grey .................and a tie, charming - This village is so ......................I decided to buy a weekend cottage here., slippers - Jenny put on a pair of ....................., brave - The .................... firemen saved all the people from the apartment fire., scarf - I've forgotten my ......................, can't stand - I really ............................ my mother-in-law, checked - This ......................bag is very stylish., ginger - She has ..................... hair.,



दृश्य शैली


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