1) How many grams are there in 1 kilogram? a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000 2) If you weighed yourself in space, what would the scale show? a) the same weight as on Earth b) 0 kilgrams c) lighter than your weight on Earth 3) Which unit would you use to measure the weight of this animal? a) milligrams b) grams c) kilograms 4) What is the same as 6000 grams? a) 6 kg b) 60 kg c) 6 mg 5) Complete the sum: 500 g + 500 g = ? a) 1000 kg b) 100 g c) 1 kg 6) Tick the correct statement. a) 80 kg = 80,000 g b) 6 kg = 600 g c) 40,000 g = 4 kg 7) Estimate the weight. a) 24 kg b) 24 g c) 2 g 8) Which is heavier? a) they are the same b) carrot c) tomato 9) Estimate the weight. a) 25 g b) 250 g c) 2 kg 10) How much does he weigh? a) More than 100 kg b) Less than 100 kg c) More than 120 kg



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