Intelligent - All prophets were ___________. This was necessary for them to be able to understand all people., Honest - All prophets were ________ and they never lied., Sin - None of the prophets or messengers ever committed a ____ before or after their prophethood., Handsome - The most _______________ of the prophets was Yusuf (AS)., Male - Muslims generally believe that Allah (SWT) sent ________ prophets. The Quran has stories of great women., Spread - The most important duty for all prophets was to _____________ Allah's (SWT) message., Guide - The prophets show people what is good and what is bad., Explain - To _________ the message to people, so that they have a clear understanding of what it means and they need to do to act on the message., Judge - The prophets used to ______________ between their people using the laws and wisdom given to them by Allah (SWT)., Role models - Perfect examples for people to follow.,

Characteristics and duties of the prophets



दृश्य शैली


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