Knjige su ispod stola. - The books are under the desk., Pošta je iza knjižnice. - The post office is behind the library., Tržnica je između igrališta i ljekarne. - The market is between the playground and the chemist's., Kuhinja je između dnevnog boravka i blagovaonice. - The kitchen is between the living room and the dining room. , Spavaća soba je velika. - The bedroom is big., Ima podrum. - There is a basement., Nema tavan. - There isn't an attic. , Ja perem suđe i napravim svoj krevet. - I do the dishes and make my bed. , Tata sprema ručak i iznosi smeće. - Dad makes lunch and takes out the rubbish., Mama pere robu i obavlja kupovinu.  - Mum does the laundry and does the shopping.,

5 - Vježba za ispravak



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