1) Bedrich Smetana was from which country? a) England b) Poland c) Czech Republic d) Germany 2) Which word best describes Smetana as a composer? a) Impressionist b) Classical  c) Romantic d) Nationalist 3) Smetana's most significant work is called...? a) The Moldau b) The Mountain c) The Forest d) The River 4) The Moldau is one of 6 pieces of music. Altogether these are called Ma Vlast. Ma Vlast means what...? a) My Family b) My House c) My Country d) My Life 5) The Moldau uses orchestral instruments to describe what...? a) The sky b) A river c) A mountain d)  A school 6) The Moldau is an example of what...? a) A symphony  b) An opera c) A symphonic poem d) A ballet 7) How many movements does a symphonic poem have? a) One  b) Two  c) Three d) Four 8) Like Beethoven, Smetana went completely what? a) Mad b) Hairy c) Deaf d) Blind 9) How might you describe the music when Smetana describes the mermaids? a) Forte b) Allegro c) Staccato d) Legato 10) When was the music the loudest? a) When the leaf first starts its journey b) Describing the rapids c) Describing the ghost castle d) Describing the wedding party


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