1) The test was easy. It was ______________. a) a hot potato b) under the weather  c) on the road d) a piece of cake e) once in a blue moon f) with flying colors 2) If you have a healthy diet, you will have a healthy body. __________________. a) You are what you eat. b) kill two birds with one stone c) you are on the ball d) the ball is in your court e) every cloud has a silver lining f) you hear it on the grapevine 3) I _____________________ that you are getting married. Is it true?! a) taste of your own medicine b) ring the bell c) faced the music d) heard on the grapevine e) took a rain check f) cost an arm and a leg 4) My daughter _____________________. She will have problems with her teeth if she isn’t careful. a) has a hot potato b) has a sweet tooth c) has a ball d) faces the music e) takes a raincheck f) rings a bell 5) It was an accident and happened a long time ago. You shouldn't ________________. a) face the music b) kill two birds with one stone c) cry over spilled milk d) have a ball e) cost an arm and a leg f) ring a bell 6) There is a lot of debate on how to tackle climate change. It is really a ______________. a) cry over spilled milk b) best of both worlds c) once in a blue moon d) barking up the wrong tree e) under the weather f) hot potato 7) You can't just blame me for what has happened. You were involved too. It ______________ a) let the cat out of the bag b) sails through c) cries over spilled milk d) kills two birds with one stone e) takes two to tango f) costs an arm and a let 8) Now it is your turn to make a decision. ___________________________. a) It takes two to tango b) let the cat out of the bag c) a picture paints a thousand words d) hold your horses e) the ball is in your court f) curiosity killed the cat 9) I am sorry I am not responsible for changing your attendance records. You are _____________. a) turning over a new leaf b) sailing through c) letting the cat out of the bag d) crying over spilled milk e) barking up the wrong tree f) having a ball 10) I am sure you will have a great time at the party. So go and ______________. a) have a ball b) on the ball c) fish out of water d) miss the boat e) hold your horses f) taste of your own medicine 11) If you don't register for your exam today you will ______ and you will have to wait until next time. a) see eye to eye b) turn a new leaf c) miss the boat d) rock the boat e) hear it on the grapevine f) taste your own medicine 12) I hope you have your umbrella with you as it is _____________________. a) ringing a bell b) music to my ears c) raining cats and dogs d) once in a blue moon 13) Ahmed wasted the first half of the course. It's time for him to _______ and started studying hard. a) bark up the wrong tree b) have a ball c) turn over a new leaf d) take a raincheck 14) Mr. Brown won't come to work today as he is feeling really ___________. a) on the road b) as fit as a fiddle c) on the ball d) under the weather 15) I just heard everyone passed EmSAT! That was ____________ a) music to my ears b) face the music c) best of both worlds d) an arm and a leg

Level 4 - IDIOMS



दृश्य शैली


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