1) What happens to the temperature if ice cubes are added to the glass of coke ? a) there is no heat temperature transferred b) the heat transfers from coke to the ice cubes c) the temperature will increase d) the heat transfers from ice to coke 2) you leave your cold spoon in a hot bowl of oatmeal. what happens after an hour ? a) the spoon and the oatmeal becomes the same temperature b) only the temperature of the oatmeal will change c) only the temperature of the spoon will change d) there is no change between the temperature of spoon and oatmeal 3) if two objects have different temperature, heat will flow form the warmer object to the cooler one until ... a) one runs out of energy b) one reaches a temperature of zero c) both object have equal temperature d) no change of temperature 4) when holding a cup of ice water, your warm hand becomes cold. how does the heat transfers? a) from warm hand to the cold cup b) from the cold cup to your hand c) from the surrounding to your hand to the cup d) from the ice to your hand 5) what is the concept used in the measurement of temperature using a thermometer? a) thermal equilibrium b) specific heat capacity c) net movement occur d) thermal resistance 6) two objects have different temperature. object A has a temperature of 42 degrees and object B is 37 degrees. which direction should the energy transfer between object a and b ? a) from both object to each other b) from object b to object a c) from object a to object b 7) heat always travel from .... to .... objects a) hot to cold b) cold to hot c) freeze to melt d) cold to cold 8) the condition where two substances in physical contact with each other exchange no heat energy. they are said to be the same temperature a) moving of heat energy b) thermal equilibrium c) cooler to warmer d) thermal energy 9) energy will always be transferred from the ... a) hotter sample to the cooler sample b) cooler sample to the cooler sample 10) after taking a hit shower, riki steps out of the shower onto the tiles floor. the tiles felt cold to his feet. which explaination best describe riki;s experience? a) heat from tiles floor transferred to his feet b) his feet absorbs the temperature in the environment c) cold from tiles floor transferred to his feet d) heat from his feet is transferred to the tiles floor

4.1 thermal equilibrium *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


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