. Small animals - Animals start preparing for winter in this season _______ like squirrels and mice start storing food., , small animals - Animals start preparing for winter in this season. For instance _______ like squirrels and mice start storing food., . Fallen leaves - In Autumn, everything turns from green to yellow _______ cover the face of the earth. , fallen leaves - In Autumn, everything turns from green to yellow, and _______ cover the face of the earth., because the leaves - Autumn is also known as ‘fall’ _______ from the trees start falling in Autumn., , the leaves - In Autumn _______ from the trees start falling. Therefore, the season is also known as 'fall'., . Therefore, the season - The leaves from the trees start falling in Autumn _______ is also known as ‘fall’., , the season - Since the leaves from the trees start falling in Autumn _______ is also known as ‘fall’., therefore, the season - The leaves from the trees start falling in Autumn, and _______ is also known as ‘fall’.,

Run-on Sentences


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