1) Due to mutation in HBA / HBB gene a) Tay-sachs b) Hyperthyroidism c) Cystic fibrosis d) Huntington's disease e) Thalassemia f) Sickle cell disease 2) More common in areas affected by Malaria a) Tay-sachs b) Sickle cell anemia c) Cystic fibrosis d) Thalassemia e) Huntington's disease f) Down syndrome 3) Due to mutation in the HEXA gene a) Tay-sachs b) Diabetes c) Thalassemia d) Ashkenazi Jew e) Beta-hexosaminidase f) Cystic Fibrosis 4) Anopheles is a common vector of a) Malaria b) Thalassemia c) Myocardial infarction d) Sickle-cell anemia e) Influenza f) Virus 5) Cri-du-chat and Turner syndrome has one thing in common a) Affects only females b) Gene mutation  c) Affects autosomal chromosomes d) Monosomy e) Trisomy f) Can be cured 6) My sweat is as salty as the red seac. I probably have a) Cystic fibruhsis b) Too little ions in my cells c) non-functional goblet cells d) a non-functional transmembrane deregulator e) A single gene disorder f) Polygenic disorder

Diseases and Disorders



दृश्य शैली


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