Do you think everyone will work from home in the future? Why?/Why not?, Do you believe everyone will own a robot in the future? Why?/Why not?, Do you think we will travel in space? Why?/Why not?, Are you sure everyone will use driverless cars? Why?/Why not?, Are you certain there will be time travel machines in the future? Why?/Why not?, Do you think polar bears will be extinct in 20 years' time? Why?/Why not?, Do you believe we will find life on another planet? Why?/Why not?, Do you think you will travel abroad next year? Why?/Why not?.

Roadmap B1 Unit 1C



रैंडम कार्ड एक ओपन एंडेड टेम्पलेट है। यह लीडरबोर्ड के लिये स्कोर उत्पन्न नहीं करता है।

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